19 DEC 2014


Early Christmas by ~okeanos

Hello everybody,

Hopefully everyone is merry and bright and whatnot. If you still have room in your Christmas socks, then get ready for this present; the 0.16 version of Synnefo has just been released. Let's see which are the new features that you may get excited about:

Pool projects: Projects have been upgraded to a new unified "pool project" type in Synnefo 0.16. Resources get assigned to projects, and project members  may reserve resources from individual projects for their own use. Users may choose a project where a new resource can be charged (e.g., a new Cyclades VM or a new IP address), and re-assign them freely.

Storage: For those familiar with OpenStack, we have introduced a complete implementation of the OpenStack Block Storage  (Cinder) API v2.0, with distinct /volumes, /snapshots, /types API endpoints.

Console: We have updated our "Console" functionality with a noVNC-based console and HTML5-based UI, that lets you connect to your VM over VNC with HTTPS encryption. Now, let's translate this sentence to human speech: no more annoying Java pop-ups. That's the gist.

As always, do not hesitate to contact us for any bugs you may find or any extra Christmas cookies you want to share. Especially for the latter.

See you next year,
the ~okeanos team


posted by okeanos on Dec. 19, 2014, 4:59 p.m., filed under all , news , spotlight , ~okeanos

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